Walking Walls and Planting Pumpkins

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The East Quabbin Land Trust activities this weekend were full of opportunities to be outdoors and explore various aspects of our wonderful woods and fields. On Saturday, we literally walked some of the walls at the Patrill Hollow Preserve. The … Continued

National Pollinators Week is June 20 -26!

posted in: Education, Events | 0

To celebrate, the East Quabbin Land Trust will be hosting some fascinating pollinator events, as well as working with students from Quabbin Regional High School who will be doing a pollinator study and enhancing pollinator habitat on school grounds. We … Continued

Big Block Success

posted in: Rail Trail | 0

The hearty crew of Mark Mattson, Rod Leehy, Mike Stevens and Matt Kozoil “rolled” up their sleeves and swung three new blocks underneath the lattice truss bridge today. It was fabulous to see the blocks as they were dropped over … Continued

Annual Membership Meeting

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The rain let up on Sunday afternoon long enough for Caren Caljouw to lead a walk around the grounds at 120 Ridge Road. In addition to seeing Betty Morss’ original plantings and the changes in the garden over the past … Continued

“Only wild cat in Massachusetts”

posted in: Education, Events | 0

Did you know that Bobcats are the only wild cats in Massachusetts? Or that they are called Bobcats because their tails are ‘bobbed’, but can actually be as long as twelve inches? The audience was very attentive as Laura Hajduk, … Continued

Early Successional Habitat Created

posted in: Education, Stewardship | 0

Recent clearing work along Barre Road in Hardwick will result in more diverse wildlife habitat. These changes contribute to the restoration of important wildlife and native plant habitat in an area of former pasture over run by dense shrubs, trees, … Continued

Check out changes at the Frohloff Farm!

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We had excellent weather on Saturday and a fabulous crew for our work day at the Frohloff Farm. Much work was accomplished. Most of the trees near Church Street were removed, making way for the growing season. Breaking ground for … Continued

Beautiful Day for a hike!

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The wind was blowing this morning, making it a bit chilly. Once we got going it was a fabulous walk along the Dougal ridge. We started out at the northeastern corner by crossing Danforth Brook and heading up hill. On … Continued