Walking on New Year’s

posted in: Events, Rail Trail | 0

After the snow and freezing rain of the last week, there was concern about the trail condition today. Fortunately, the Mass Central Rail Trail turned out to not be too icy, though you had to be careful crossing the bridges. … Continued

Congratulations Petersham!

posted in: Land Conservation | 0

Conservation of the Gross Farm took another significant step forward yesterday. The Baker-Polito Administration announced the FY16 L.A.N.D. grant and Conservation Partnership grant recipients. The Town of Petersham was among the small group of awardees for the purchase of a … Continued

Waiting for Kestrels

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

Last week Harrison, Jeff and Jake installed a new kestrel box at Mandell Hill. This one is a prototype for many more to come. With Jeff’s enthusiasm the goal is to get 50 kestrel boxes up around the East Quabbin … Continued

Good Cheer at the Holiday Open House

posted in: Events | 0

‘Tis the season to be thankful – for more land conserved, great opportunities to get outdoors, and friends and family! We thank you, members and supporters of the East Quabbin Land Trust, for being part of our successes in 2015 … Continued

Clear Viewing

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

The overcast skies, moderate temperature, and blustery wind came together for terrific conditions to clear the knoll at Mandell Hill today. From this spot along the loop trail you get a clear view across the fields, down the Ware River … Continued

Kitchen Garden Cleanup

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

The last step in the Kitchen Garden cleanup happened yesterday, thanks to Harrison and his handy tractor, Jeff and Linda for much of the leg work loading the bucket and raking the ground smooth. After the September workday where the … Continued

Wood Duck Boxes Installed

posted in: Education, Events, Stewardship | 0

Thanks to Eagle Scout candidate Aaron Morgan, and Troop 118, three new wood duck boxes are installed at the mill pond at the Pynchon’s Grist Mill Preserve. This Saturday was cold and raw, but members of West Brookfield Troop 118 … Continued

Folks went a-Rambling today

posted in: Events, Rail Trail | 0

  The Fourth Annual Station Loop Ramble went off without a hitch today under beautiful fall sunshine and mid-60s temperatures. Runners of all ages participated in one of three races, either the Kid’s One Mile, 5 Mile Classic and 5K … Continued

Farm Pond Revealed

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

The farm pond at the Frohloff Farm once watered the cattle, horses and other livestock on the property. For the past two growing seasons the vegetation – buckthorn, golden rod or grasses – was allowed to grow after the clearing … Continued