Coffee on the Common

posted in: Events, The Country Store | 0

The Petersham common was a beehive of activity this beautiful fall morning. The Coffee on the Common table hosted by the East Quabbin Land Trust was part of other community activities, including the library book sale, grange pumpkin weigh-in and … Continued

Workday Washout

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

Well, Saturday morning was soggy and drizzling.  That put a damper on our enthusiasm to get any serious cutting or digging done! The few brave folks that showed up in the morning did take a walk out to the historic … Continued

Welcomed at Wendemuth

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

A lot of people volunteer many hours each year to ensure the success of the East Quabbin Land Trust! Without volunteers the land conservation projects, educational programs and on-the-ground stewardship work would not happen. Every year we celebrate you and … Continued

The “Noble” wall is cleared

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

The Coxhall Kitchen Garden is a one-acre enclosure that was originally built in 1774 by Brigadier General Timothy Ruggles. Enclosed kitchen gardens were all the rage in Britain at the time. The tall stone walls kept unwanted critters out and … Continued

Farm Tour Success

posted in: Events, Land Conservation | 0

On Sunday afternoon about 50 people ventured out among the fields and woods off East Street in Petersham. We got a chance to explore the land, see some of its hidden treasures – like Bell Rock, and talk about the … Continued

Heads Up

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

The Perseid meteor shower did send shooting stars streaking across the sky last night. Mostly the ones we saw were headed to the south in the middle band of sky with the Milky Way as a back drop. Cries of … Continued

Biodiversity abundant

posted in: AmeriCorps, Events, Stewardship | 0

This morning we spent some time at Pynchon’s Grist Mill Preserve in West Brookfield looking for signs of life. Boy did we find a bunch of stuff! Several plants, insects and mushrooms are yet to be identified, but we were … Continued

Smashing Saturday Night

posted in: Events | 0

The fourteenth annual Dinner and Silent Auction for the East Quabbin Land Trust was held last night, June 27th. The evening was a rousing success, thanks to all who attended, auction item donors and Judith Jones and Nancy Grimes for … Continued