Bald Eagles Spotted

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On Saturday, February 23rd, the East Quabbin Land Trust hosted an Eagle Walk into Quabbin Gate 35.  This has become a semi-regular February event beginning in 2005.  Conditions this year were prefect – gray sky, no wind and 28° – … Continued

Full Day of Fun

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

    Last Saturday was a beautiful day! Many visitors and volunteers came out to the Frohloff Farm to enjoy the sunshine and explore the property. Groups split up and tackled the brush burning in front of the farmhouse, along … Continued

Up in smoke

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

Two large brush piles went up in smoke on Saturday as dedicated volunteers feed the flames at Indian Rock in Barre. Many thanks to Linda and Rod Leehy, Jeff Smith, Susan Lincoln and Cynthia Henshaw. The view to the east … Continued

Ringing in the New Year!

posted in: Events, Rail Trail | 0

New Year’s Day was bright with plenty of snow on the ground. The wind was a bit chilly, but as long as you kept moving you were warm enough. All-in-all New Year’s Day was a beautiful day to be outdoors … Continued

Coxhall Kitchen Garden workday

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

On Sunday, December 14th a dedicated group of volunteers gathered at the Coxhall Kitchen Garden on Simpson Road in Hardwick to accomplish some much needed brush clearing around the historic stone wall structure.  Along the dirt road and inside the … Continued

Barre receives conservation grant

posted in: Land Conservation | 0

The Town of Barre was awarded a Mass. L.A.N.D. (Local Acquisitions for Natural Diversity) grant award for $79,800 to purchase a conservation restriction on the Patterson farm.  Click here to see a map of the area. At the fall special … Continued

Adaptations for Winter

posted in: Education, Events | 0

Yesterday afternoon was bright, clear and crisp. A perfect fall afternoon to walk the loop trail at the Patrill Hollow Preserve in Hardwick.  Caren Caljouw, Stewardship Coordinator, lead the group on the mile and a half hike. We stopped to … Continued

Chuck Kidd remembered…

posted in: Education, Events, Stewardship | 0

More than 50 people gathered at Moose Brook Preserve on Sunday afternoon, October 28 to remember Chuck Kidd and dedicate EQLT’s new interpretive trail. Chuck was a professional fine arts photographer, outdoor enthusiast, and friend of the East Quabbin Land Trust. During the … Continued