To celebrate, the East Quabbin Land Trust will be hosting some fascinating pollinator events, as well as working with students from Quabbin Regional High School who will be doing a pollinator study and enhancing pollinator habitat on school grounds.
We are looking for donations to make these events successful. The list of items needed includes: plants that attract pollinators (see list below); hollow bamboo for bee houses; shallow plant saucers at least 16″ wide, coarse sand and clay pots for butterfly puddles.
Plants that attract pollinators:

Black Cohosh
Wild Columbine
Swamp Milkweed
Common Milkweed
Butterfly Weed
False Blue Indigo
Purple Coneflower
Joe-Pye Weed
Blazing Star
Wild Lupine
Bee Balm
Black Eyed Susan
Golden Rod
New Jersey Tea
Members of the pea and parsley families
To donate please contact Service Learning Coordinator Sarah Mildren at [email protected]