What a great morning for a race! Especially when compared to the rain of last year. A field of thirty one runners took off from the site of the former New Braintree Train Station at 10 am sharp. The racers headed up hill along West Road, and took the right onto Unitas. After reaching the top of the ridge, they headed back down towards the Ware River valley. On the other side of the river the last two miles was back along the Mass Central Rail Trail to the beginning.
Click here to see the full race results.
The East Quabbin Land Trust thanks the generous supports of the race sponsors:
Hardwick Sugar Shack
Hardwick Kilns – Cersosimo Lumber, Rose 32 Bread, Country Bank
R.N. Glidden Landscaping, Kip’s Christmas Tree Farm, Reed’s Country Store
Hannafords Supermarket, Stillman’s Farm, Turley Publications, R.N. Glidden Landscaping
Thanks to the following businesses that donated prizes:
Hardwick Farmers’ Coop, Clover Hill Country Store, June Glidden’s Bakeshop, In a Jam, Hardwick Vineyard and Winery, Barre Mill Restaurant, HW Garlic Guy, Stillman’s Farm, Robinson’s Farm and the East Quabbin Land Trust.