The weather on Saturday was terrific for the scheduled Full Moon Snowshoe Walk and Bonfire, only no snow! A crowd of over fifty people descended on the Frohloff Farm after dark to explore the land, swap stories and meet others interested in the land. Kids of all ages roasted hotdogs and marshmallows using willow sticks to get the food to the perfect shade of brown. As always happens a few landed in the coals and others got burned, but hey, what’s a bonfire without burning some of the food!

A good size group, maybe 25 strong, trooped through the fields, past the farm pond and down to the bluff at the Ware River. The moon was high overhead and plenty bright for the walk. We all brought flashlights just in case! There is still a lot of brush down from the October snow storm, so we made it to the bluff but couldn’t walk along the edge as we looked out over the river. It was beautiful to see the moonlight reflecting on the water.

Many thanks to Paul, Kristen, Josh, Susan and Boz for their help earlier in the day Saturday. The weather was perfect to burn the many brush piles along the road that had piled up with damaged limbs from the roadside trees. This pile was burned in anticipation of the bonfire, to be sure there were good hot coals ready for hungry visitors. There is plenty more to do at the Frohloff Farm to get the property and trails back opened for the spring. Please join us at our next workday on the farm. Check our event page to get the most up to date listing of work days.