On Saturday a group of volunteers attended the first training session for Preserve Stewards, which was geared towards getting to know preserve boundaries and the tools available. During the indoor session we discussed how to use topographical maps and aerial maps to know what to expect during a field visit, how to use a compass to guide you across the landscape and GPS to take waypoints, and safety precautions when working outdoors. Outdoors the group reassembled at Mandell Hill, on Barre Road in Hardwick to review existing maps, boundary markers and the unique ecological management objectives for the property.
There will be additional trainings offered, the next in May for anyone interested in participating in routine monitoring of the bobolink and meadowlark populations at Mandell Hill. This training is open to anyone interested in assisting the land trust in our bird population monitoring program. A second training specifically for Preserve Stewards is planned for the fall. If you want to learn more about becoming a preserve steward, please contact Caren Caljouw at Caren @eqlt.org. We welcome multiple preserve stewards at each property, so don’t be shy!