Commercial solar bylaws a hot topic

posted in: Education, Events | 0

Forty town representatives from all over the East Quabbin region got together on Thursday evening to talk and share ideas about their local bylaws and how to handle to onslaught of proposals for commercial solar developments. The state incentives, currently … Continued

Scenes from our February potluck

posted in: Education, Events | 0

We had a full house during our February 10th potluck supper. Great food and fun making collages from paste paper with Ann Hicks. Before beginning the project, Ann shared a story about creativity with the students. The story is inserted … Continued

Views improved

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

Our newest property, the Seven Acre Preserve, is a beautiful agricultural field on North Main Street in Petersham.  There is a stone wall running along the road, but has been overgrown with saplings and vines, blocking the view from travelers. … Continued

Toasts Made for Garage Construction

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

Last night we lifted our glasses in thanks and appreciation for those who helped construct our new garage. In particular we thanked the Pathfinder Regional Vocational Technical High School and their lead teacher Louis Zglobicki. They worked through the cold … Continued