Wendemuth walls exposed

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

Because of the great volunteer efforts yesterday we got a lot more walls cleaned up – both inside and outside. One group hauled trash from the barn – broken bricks, old wood, empty used bags, and various odds and ends. … Continued

Construction fun for pollinators

posted in: Education, Events, Stewardship | 0

Native pollinators come in many shapes and sizes. Sunday afternoon we spent some time building structures for the tube dependent kind. Species like the Blue Orchard Mason, Grass Carrying Wasp, Metallic Green Bee, or Leaf-cutter Bee. We created wood structures … Continued

Trees or Timber?

posted in: Education, Events | 0

The book discussion about American Canopy, written by Eric Rutkow, had a lively back-and-forth conversation last night. It didn’t matter if you read the whole book, some parts or none at all. Everyone got into the discussion about specific tree … Continued

Walk around the Wall

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

Even though the ground was covered with snow from Friday’s storm, Rod, Linda, Tom, Jason and Cynthia worked at the Coxhall Kitchen Garden clearing the outside of the “Noble Wall” on Saturday morning. The north, east and part of the … Continued

Abundant Signs of Wildlife

posted in: Education, Events | 0

Today we focused on wildlife. David Brown, renowned naturalist and tracker spent the late morning and afternoon with many eager to learn more about the various animals that also call this area home. First David shared images of tracks and … Continued

Wildlife Habitat Grants Awarded

posted in: Stewardship | 0

We just heard the good news that the East Quabbin Land Trust was awarded two grants through the MassWildlife Habitat Management Grant Program! That’s terrific to receive critical funding to continue the stewardship projects on several Preserves in the area. … Continued

We’re Hiring

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The East Quabbin Land Trust is seeking a development professional to join our team. Read on for the full position description and be sure to pass along the information to anyone else who might want to apply. The East Quabbin … Continued