Breeding birds monitored

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Thanks to Jeff, Ann, John and Cynthia, we have a better handle on what birds are using Wendemuth Meadow and Mandell Hill during this breeding season. Early Sunday morning, we convened at Wendemuth and walked the longer loop trail that … Continued

Wandering on the Ware River

posted in: Education, Events | 0

We had a great trip down the Ware River today! Even with eight boats we saw and heard lots of birds, like cedar waxwings, red-winged black birds, and some sort of sandpiper, among others. Inadvertently we chased a Great Blue … Continued

Getting Ready for Grazing

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Thank you to Becky, Phil, Lucas, Tom, Cynthia and Harrison to their hard work at Mandell Hill. The electric fence line around the llama paddock is cleared. We need to add a few more posts to help keep the wires … Continued

You Value Your Woods

posted in: Education, Events, Stewardship | 0

Last Thursday evening over 30 people gathered to listen, learn and share information about the values of our woods. A lot of ground was covered in the hour and a half program, and we went away knowing that more woods … Continued

Moose and Deer Update

posted in: Education, Events | 0

David Stainbrook shared the latest news and updates about Moose and Deer in Massachusetts with over 40 people at the North Brookfield Senior Center Thursday evening. David is the Program Manager for Deer and Moose at MassWildlife. The audience was … Continued

Barn Clean-out

posted in: Stewardship | 0

We had a great work-day today, re-stacking wood, sweeping the floors and moving out the unusable wood. Now the center aisle is clear and space is open for the E.T.E.A.M. counselors with the summer camp in 2018. Many thanks to … Continued

Two Piles Down and More Cut

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

We had a great work-day yesterday at Wendemuth Meadow. It was warm enough to take off jackets even away from the burn piles and the breeze helped fan the flames some of the day. Many thanks to Harrison, Becky, John … Continued