Because of the great volunteer efforts yesterday we got a lot more walls cleaned up – both inside and outside.
One group hauled trash from the barn – broken bricks, old wood, empty used bags, and various odds and ends. The 15 yard dumpster filled right up! Now the lower level is virtually cleared out, and the front section is ready for summer campers. The East Quabbin Land Trust is partnering with the North Brookfield Youth Center summer camp program for six weeks of camp. The field component will be at Wendemuth Meadow on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. We’re very much looking forward to having the campers and their counselors explore Wendemuth and the Town Forest this summer!
A second group got right to work cutting brush back from the rock wall on the far side of the wet meadow. It’s great to start the growing season with last year’s growth removed, keeping the wall clearly visible from the barn and Bates Street. Creating that break in bigger vegetation is also important for the prescribed burn scheduled for May. We are going to burn the wet meadow – almost 5 acres – to help control invasive plants and reinvigorate the native plants. Burning the thatch will provide a surge of nutrients to the plants, making the meadow even greener than before. We are keeping track of what is growing now and will monitor changes over time.