Over 130 supporters of the East Quabbin Land Trust descended on the Cultural Center at the Eagle Hill School in Hardwick on Saturday to celebrate the 15th Annual Dinner and Silent Auction. After a social hour we sat down for dinner and dessert. During the evening we shared the various projects completed or underway at the land trust over the last year. The silent auction offerings included a vacation week in Maine, sea kayak, perennial plants, dishes, bark mulch, garden arch and much, much more. Fundraising total for the silent auction was $6,000.

Thank you to our corporate sponsors for their generous support! New Harbor Financial, Pioneer Valley Environmental, Dresser & McGourthy Attorneys at Law, North Brookfield Savings Bank, Common Grow LLC, Highland Press and the Cultural Center. In addition, through a generous challenge grant we also raised over $22,000 in direct contributions in support of the East Quabbin Land Trust’s conservation and stewardship mission.