Spring Wildflower walk at Eva’s Woods

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Wild strawberries in bloom with a temporary label.

Lee Dougan and Caren Caljouw led a spring wildflower walk at Eva’s Woods. More than a dozen participants learned a lot about the plants growing along the one-mile loop trail in Oakham.

Lee used plant tags to alert walkers to the various flowering plants, including bluets, strawberries, wild geranium, common cinquefoil, dwarf cinquefoil, common dandelion, red clover, bulbous buttercup, starflower, Canada mayflower, wild oats, blueberries, marsh marigold, marsh blue violets, jack-in-the-puplit, solomon’s seal, wild sarsaparilla, wintergreen, partridgeberry, red raspberry, false solomon’s seal, carrion flower, chokeberry, Indian cucumber root and trumpet honeysuckle.

Caren created a full plant list to share.