The dedication and official opening of EQLT’s historic gristmill site in West Brookfield was well attended, despite the cold and rainy afternoon. Thirty visitors bundled up and brought their umbrellas as they made the fifteen minute walk starting at the kiosk along Wickaboag Valley Road to the pond on Sucker Brook.
The interpretive brochure was unveiled, which includes stops at the sawmill dam site, white pine weevil life history, Old Baypath Indian Trail background and gristmill information. Pick up your copy of the brochure at the kiosk before walking the site or click here to print your own copy.

Thank you to Dick Rossman from the West Brookfield Historical Commission, Alison Vannah PhD historian, Al Collings from the Lake Wickaboag Preservation Association and Gordon DeWolf from the West Brookfield Conservation Commission for sharing their thoughts about the significance of the property to the community.
More details about Pynchon’s Grist Mill Preserve can be found here.