The peent peent peent of the American woodcock was heard all around the brushy fields at the Frohloff Farm and the Ware River corridor last night. We debated about whether or not it was too windy for the birds to be thinking about mating. The woodcock didn’t seem to mind, and the rain held off.

A small group meandered down to the Ware River as we waited for dusk to come. The call of several male woodcock was clearly heard on the other side of the river among the shruby embankment. As we stood listening two Canada geese came in for a landing and little brown bats were out foraging for the evening. Heading back to the barn we stopped along the trail and listened to other woodcocks calling to find mates. The breeze was warm and the woodcocks stopped calling while there was still enough light to get back to our cars without flashlights. A beautiful evening all around.