–Personalized bricks installed at Massequockummis, or Little Marshy Meadow in West Brookfield
Over 100 engraved bricks are now incorporated into a patio at Massequockummis and forever memorialize the named loved one, a special piece of poetry or quote, or other tribute. We encourage you to go and read all the dedications.

In 2022, the East Quabbin Land Trust purchased the approximately one acre of land at 5 Foster Hill Road in West Brookfield. This “pocket park” is dedicated to the inhabitants of this area from the Native Americans to early settlers to those in the time of the Revolutionary War. Coys brook was once referred to as Massequockummis by the Nipmucs, which means “little marshy meadow”.
Work at Little Marshy Meadow is underway, supported by the West Brookfield Historical Commission and EQLT volunteers. Native plant beds began filling out in 2023, formalized parking, and the kiosk, bench seating and a small youth play area were developed by an Eagle scout.
Projects for 2024 include design of a rain garden or swale, adding signage for native plant identification, and an art installation. The pocket park encourages exploration, appreciation and reflection of this unique space.
The parcel sits adjacent to Foster Hill, one of the most significant historical locations in our region.
- It was from this hill that Native Americans looked west to the plains, now the Town Common, and south to the Quaboag River and its’ meadows as they travelled on the Old Bay Path.
- It was on this hill that the “Planters” from Ipswich settled in 1660 and drove their cattle by to the Common pasture.
- And it was on this hill that Jedadiah Foster drafted the state constitution in his law office when this road was part of the Military Highway.
- View the full PowerPoint presentation here

Checks can be made out the The East Quabbin Land Trust, PO Box 5, Hardwick, MA 01037. Please write “pocket park” in the memo line.
Or, make a gift online by clicking the link below.