Our forester, Roger Plourde, lead a group of neighbors and friends for a walk at Henry’s Grove in anticipation of a timber harvest over the 2018-19 winter. The overarching goal is to improve the quality and health of the trees growing on the 94-acre property that runs from Lombard Road down to the East Branch of the Ware River.

Some parts of the property have strong regeneration with lots of young trees growing in dense areas. Those trees got their start when the last timber harvest happened and more sunlight reached the soil. Areas with dense growth of young trees will be avoided this time, opening up the canopy in other spots to create favorable conditions for more young trees to get their start.
There are also three areas that will won’t be cut. These reserve areas are designated because of unique landforms, close proximity to the Ware River or a beautiful dense hemlock stand that adds to the diversity of the woods.
After the cutting is completed, the East Quabbin Land Trust is planning to create a walking trail loop and encourage people to get out onto the property, visit the banks of the Ware River and view some of the unique features at Henry’s
