Last Saturday was a beautiful morning to be out watching and listening for birds at Wendemuth Meadow and Mandell Hill. These two preserves have large grassland areas, 20 acres or more, that are cut after the first week in July. That means that any young raised in the fields have enough time to fledge before the grass is cut. Of course, we saw or heard other birds too. Here’s the list: Bobolink, tree swallow, black-billed cuckoo, barn swallow, chimney swift, eastern kingbird, American kestrel, catbird, oven bird, common yellow-throat, indigo bunting, chestnut-sided warbler, house wren, red-winged blackbird, starling, rock dove, American bluebird, English sparrow, Baltimore oriole, yellow-throated vireo, rose-breasted grosbeak, goldfinch, cardinal, American robin, red-bellied woodpecker, willow flycatcher, turkey vulture, red-tailed hawk, scarlet tanager, brown thrasher, and cedar waxwing.

Hope you get some early morning time to head out and look for these and other birds!