Last Saturday was a beautiful day! Many visitors and volunteers came out to the Frohloff Farm to enjoy the sunshine and explore the property. Groups split up and tackled the brush burning in front of the farmhouse, along the road and behind the barn. Many piles were successfully burned!
The rest of the day included:
- a large group walking with Caren, EQLT’s Stewardship Coordinator, and Roger, a consulting forester, to discuss the proposed wildlife habitat improvements;
- many visitors walking through the farmhouse, noticing special features of the wainscoting, wallpaper and setting;
After roasting hot dogs and marshmallows, several youngsters enjoyed burning their roasting sticks the bonfire was enjoyed by a small, but enthusiastic group, that also walked down to the Ware River and watched ice chunks flow down stream. It was a beautiful night to be outside, and a wonderful way to wrap up a full day of fun at the Frohloff Farm.