Recent clearing work along Barre Road in Hardwick will result in more diverse wildlife habitat. These changes contribute to the restoration of important wildlife and native plant habitat in an area of former pasture over run by dense shrubs, trees, and invasive plants. Vegetation was recently cut and mulched. Certain trees favored by wildlife such as apple, elm, and oak remain standing. Persistent invasive plants, including multiflora rose, bush honeysuckle, and oriental bittersweet are scheduled for additional management treatment this summer. This work will restore a mosaic of meadow, shrubland, and oak savannah along Fish Brook.
Once restored, the property will be maintained by EQLT through periodic mowing, prescribed burning, or light grazing. Many native plants and animals will benefit from this vegetation restoration including numerous declining bird species such as the Brown Thrasher, Prairie Warbler, and Eastern Towhee.