The Photography class at Eagle Hill School has been spending a lot of time out on some of EQLT’s most beautiful properties. Pat Bock, Eagle Hill’s Photography teacher, and Kelly Wheeler, EQLT’s Americorps Service Learning Coordinator have been bringing the students to a different property each week to hold a photo shoot. The students are learning to take black and white photographs of natural objects and landscapes. While out on the properties the students are encouraged to explore and photograph whatever speaks to them. All the while, Pat shares with them tips on how to frame a shot for the greatest impact and how to use natural lines to draw the eye to a particular focal point. Kelly points out animal tracks, plant species, and wildlife sign. On Patrill Hollow alone, there were raccoon, ruffled grouse, rabbit and fox tracks as well as some beautiful woodpecker galleries. In the course of this project the students will have visited Mandell Hill, Patrill Hollow, Coxhall Kitchen Garden, and the Mass Central Rail Trail. After the photo shoot each week, the students spend time in the dark room developing their pictures. At the end of the school year the photos will be displayed at the annual Arts on the Hill that takes place in Eagle Hills Cultural Center for the parents, students, and faculty. A separate showing will occur for the public at EQLT’s offices on June 21st.