This past Saturday a small but dedicated crew worked at many fall clean up projects at the Frohloff Farm. It’s amazing how fast weeds grow!! The corn was the only vegetable that was recognizable from Church Street. Linda, Dee and Cynthia tackled the youth garden. We uncovered cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, basil and other hidden jewels. Most of the grass, reeds and other weeds were added to the compost pile, but we left the flowering Jo-Pye Weed and a few other native plants that sprouted up.
Denis was busy with other tasks. He piled the logs discovered in random locations in the field and along the stone wall. We now have several good sized piles for a winter burn day. He cleared the sugar maple branches that were down along Church Street. He raked leaves and weed-whacked. The rain garden is better defined, and the entrance way more inviting.
We ran out of time to finish painting the north side of the barn, and the trail to the Ware River will need to be mowed this week. All in all, great progress on the clean up was made. Many thanks to Linda, Dee, Denis and Cynthia!!