Bluebird House Project a Success!

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We originally planned to assemble bluebird houses as a part of our April 19th National Volunteer Week event (this event has been rescheduled to June 21st, FYI!). Instead, Cynthia and Ken Abair prepared over 100 bluebird house kits that anyone … Continued

Families Rambled Today!

posted in: Events, Rail Trail | 0

The sun was shining and families came out for the 8th Annual Station Loop Ramble! In some cases it was the parents cheering on their youngsters; in other cases is was the youngsters cheering on the parents; and there were … Continued

Fabulous 25th Anniversary Celebration

posted in: Events | 0

We toasted Magi Durham Ziff, for her vision of bringing people together to break bread, enjoy the outdoors and raise money for land conservation in our region. Many of her biggest fans contributed to create Magi’s Lawn, our newly created … Continued

Volunteer Thank You Dinner

posted in: Events, Stewardship | 0

The land conservation and stewardship accomplishments each year is really possible because because of all the people that volunteer their time and talents. Thank you for all you do!! Each year we take the time to specifically thank our volunteers … Continued