The forecast for Sunday was 50/50 rain throughout the day. Possibility for scattered thundershowers too. You just couldn’t tell exactly what was going to happen. We were all prepared for rain and hoping for a dry walk.
A group of twelve intrepid hikers started on the second phase of our east coast of the Quabbin Reservoir hike. It was overcast, but looked promising. We got down to Pottapoag Pond and the parking lot was half full. Lots of fishermen or women were out on the water trying their luck. Further up the road towards Dana Common we could see a boat out on the water, cruising towards a favorite fishing hole.

Then the rain came. Softly at first, but then buckets. By the time we made it to the Dana Common, five miles from where we started, everyone was soaked. The rain stopped and the sky brightened as we looked at the historical photos and discussed the lost villages of the Quabbin. The foundations and stone steps were left intact, clearly delineating where a house, store or school once stood.

From there we walked out to Gate 40 and headed home to warm up and dry off. A beautiful and wet Sunday morning walking the Quabbin.
We’ll take the stretch from Gate 40 to Gate 37 on Sunday, September 21, a seven mile walk. All are welcome to join on for this segment that will go back through the Dana Common and over Fever Brook.