Wendemuth Meadow Preserve is a 30-acre property in the town of North Brookfield, acquired by the East Quabbin Land Trust in 2014. It is a pastoral property featuring a diversity of habitats including hayfield, wet meadow, and stream surrounded by patchy woods and shrubland. The property is actively farmed and hay is harvested after Bobolinks and other important birds have completed their nesting cycle within the grasslands in early summer.
The East Quabbin Land Trust encourages visitors to all of its preserves. Please be respectful of the land and other visitors. EQLT has several policies that guide use of the land, including a Dog Walking Policy, Hunting and Fishing Policy and Recreational Trail Use Policy. We encourage you to go explore Wendemuth Meadow.
Visitors are welcome to visit and walk the trails which skirt along the edge of the hayfields and provide panoramic views of the meadows and beyond. The trail loop connects with the Town Forest on the south side of McCarthy Road in North Brookfield. Opportunities abound to observe songbirds, butterflies, dragonflies, and wildflowers of dry and wet meadows. Eastern Bluebirds, Common Bobolinks, American Kestrels and Savannah Sparrows are just a few of the interesting birds found here. The wetlands found on the property are of statewide significance and support unusual plant species including the wetland herb, Canada Burnett. The wetlands are part of the headwaters of Coy Brook.
A large grey barn sits atop a grassy knoll along Bates Street and attests to the property’s long history of farming. Beautiful stone walls, stone lined ditches, cisterns, and other features are readily observed along the trails and portray the hard work and meticulous care of the Wendemuth family in tending the land. A small cadre of volunteers, especially Harrison and Dee, continue the Wendemuth family tradition and care for the land.