The East Quabbin Land Trust encourages visitors to all of its preserves. Please be respectful of the land and other visitors. EQLT has several policies that guide use of the land, including a Dog Walking Policy, Hunting and Fishing Policy and Recreational Trail Use Policy. We encourage you to go explore the Grimes Farm.
Enjoy a moderate hike at Eva’s Woods and choose the 0.4 mile loop or the full 1-mile loop. You’ll find the trailhead on Ware Corner Road, between Sargents Lane and Tomlinson Road. Eva Grimes donated her 74-acre property to the Land Trust in 2019, which includes a mostly wooded parcel between Rutland Road and Ware Corner Road. This was the perfect spot to route the trail loops. The trails wind through diverse forest, wetlands, pastures, and historic stone walls. A bench is found at the end of a knoll overlooking Sargents Lane.
In mid-May 2023, Caren and Lee hosted a wildflower walk. A detailed plant list can be found here. Some flowers that were in bloom at that time include: bluets, strawberries, wild geranium, common cinquefoil, dwarf cinquefoil, red clover, bulbous buttercup, starflower, Canada mayflower, wild oats, blueberries, marsh marigold, march blue violets, Jack-in-th-puplit, Solomon’s seal, wild sarsaparilla, wintergreen, partridgeberry, red raspberry, false solomon’s seal, carrion flower, choke berry, Indian cucumber root and trumpet honeysuckle.