Here are a few questions that stumped the teams during the nature trivia challenge at our June potluck last evening.
- How many eyes does a grasshopper have?
- What bird has feet so small that they can’t walk?
- What is the color of llama milk?
- What North American tree name contains all of the vowels?
- What is a group of owls called?

Team Seven Chicks edged out team Bull Moose by a few correct answers after the 25+ question quiz was over. There was good natured bantering back and forth, especially after we caught onto Haley’s accounting system where correct answers went into one pile and incorrect the other.
And of course the food was great. We also re-elected officers and board members for another term!
Don’t miss the July 14th potluck where we’ll view and vote on best images submitted to the Photo Contest. Submit your photos to [email protected] and see contest details at Photo Contest Submissions.
P.S. Answers to the above questions: 5, hummingbird, yellow, sequoia, parliament