There were about forty people, from age seven on up, that started their New Year off with a hike at the Mass Central Rail Trail today. And there were other families out on the trail earlier in the day and others starting after the group hike.
The weather was a bit nippy, but the wind wasn’t strong making it a pleasant 2-mile walk from West Road in New Braintree to Creamery Road in Hardwick.
A small group of mallards was spotted from the lattice truss bridge. Other than that, it was pretty quite along the trail other than our general conversations.
This year is the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the East Quabbin Land Trust, formerly known as the Hardwick Area Conservation Trust. To celebrate we have twenty special events planned ‘Outdoors in the East Quabbin’. Today’s hike was the first in the series. The next series event will be a workday and campfire at the Frohloff Farm on Saturday January 18th. We hope you can join us then and for many of the other coming activities!