EQLT held our first Holiday Bird Count this past Saturday, December 29th. We had a beautiful sunny day ahead of us, with nearly 40 eager birders of all ages and experience levels turning out. The day started with an introductory bird identification training session, Bird ID Bingo, and a memory game.
We began the bird count at the EQLT office, where we saw 5 different species at our feeders, including Tufted Titmice, Downy Woodpeckers, and American Goldfinches.
We then split into groups and headed over to Mandell Hill, the Rail Trail, Deer Park, and Frohloff Farm. We were joined by Jeff Smith and Ann Hicks, our two resident birding experts, who led the groups out in the field during the count. A group at Frohloff Farm counted 40 Cedar Waxwings, while the Rail Trail group excitedly reported a Bald Eagle sighting. One group headed to Hardwick Pond, where they counted 45 European Starlings on the way over.
All groups ended the day at Sue and Boz Lincoln’s, who were generous enough to welcome us into their home and onto their property. Their land was rich with diverse birds, including Red-tailed Hawks, Northern Cardinals, and large flocks of White-throated Sparrows. We were treated to aptly-themed homemade cookies after ending our count, courtesy of Sue Lincoln. Jess and Haley totaled up all the bird sightings at the end of the day and submitted the results to the Audubon’s annual Christmas Bird Count Census. After such a successful turnout for this event, Jess and Haley are thrilled to collaborate with Jeff Smith and Ann Hicks in the springtime to plan another birding event. Thanks to all who came out, and a special thanks to Jeff, Ann, Sue, and Boz for all their help!
95 European starlings
62 Cedar waxwings
49 White throated sparrows
45 Canada geese
35 American crows
21 American robins
19 Black capped chickadees
17 American tree sparrows
16 Dark eyed juncos
11 White breasted nuthatches
10 Mourning doves
9 Mallard ducks
6 Red tailed hawks
5 Blue jays
5 Northern cardinals
5 Tufted titmice
3 Downy woodpeckers
3 Eastern bluebirds
3 American goldfinches
1 Red bellied woodpecker
1 Song sparrow
1 House sparrow…