Geocache Scavenger Hunt
April 19th - May 4th
A family-friendly event for intrepid explorers at EQLT preserves

Hiker series:
Geocaches to be located in areas on
EQLT preserves along single track trails,
sometimes tucked in tree hollows or in stone walls.
Trekker series:
Smaller and harder-to-find, micro-geocaches located in
areas of more rugged terrain and to contain portions
of a GPS coordinate leading to a final location.
Scavenger Hunt Rules
1) Registration
- Participate as an individual or as a team, it’s up to you!
- Each registration is $20.
- Decide which difficulty level is right for you and your team.
- Click on the “Register Now!” button to register.
2) The Hunt
- The scavenger hunt opens at 9am on Saturday, April 19th and closes at 2pm on Sunday, May 4th.
- Each participant (or team) will be emailed five sets of GPS coordinates when the hunt opens on April 19th.
- These coordinates will be used to find hidden “geocache” boxes at EQLT preserves.
- Geocache boxes for the Hiker series are about 2″ x 3″ x 2″ waterproof, snap-lid sealing plastic boxes. The boxes are camouflaged – painted to blend into the background.
- Geocaches for the Trekker series are micros. The metal tags are hidden at the cache location. Find the tags and make note of the coordinate information etched onto the metal tag.
- For Hikker series, take one sealed envelope from each box, which contains a scrabble tile – don’t open this envelope to look at your tile! Bring your sealed envelopes to the Scrabble Tile Reveal Party to play with the other geocachers!
- Be sure to re-hide the boxes (caches) exactly where you for them for the next folks to find.
- For Trekker series, make note of the portion of GPS coordinates on the micro-tag. Once you find all six geocaches, organize the numbers to the correct GPS coordinate. Go to find the final geocache which will be a larger box and take five sealed envelopes. Bring those sealed envelopes to the Scrabble Tile Reveal Party to play with the other geocachers!
3) Scrabble Tile Reveal Party - Sunday, May 4th at 2pm
- Join us for some community fun!
- Together we will reveal our scrabble tiles and create our best word at the Scrabble Tile Reveal Party on Sunday, May 4th at 2 pm, at the EQLT office, 120 Ridge Road, Hardwick.
- Bring your five tiles, still in their sealed envelopes, to the EQLT office for the party!
- Prizes will be awarded for each difficulty level during the party, but you don’t need to be present to win a prize!
- If you’re not able to join for the party, you can drop off your envelopes at the dropbox located outside of the EQLT office.
Instructions on how to label and package your cards will be posted on the box.
- If you’re not able to join for the party, you can drop off your envelopes at the dropbox located outside of the EQLT office.