We toasted Magi Durham Ziff, for her vision of bringing people together to break bread, enjoy the outdoors and raise money for land conservation in our region. Many of her biggest fans contributed to create Magi’s Lawn, our newly created party space at 120 Ridge Road. Saturday night we tested it out with a 60 x 30 tent and eighty guests! This is a great party space in Magi’s memory.
Plus we toasted the original board of directors who started the organization, what is now called the East Quabbin Land Trust, and successfully conserved 5,000 acres and more in the past 25 years. The original crew included: Donald Boothman, Robert Paquet, Lucinda Childs, Philip Truesdell, Stanley White, Richard Romano and George Reilly. Three cheers for them all!!!
This farm-to-table dinner was catered by Heart & Soil Farm & Catering, from North Brookfield. In addition to food raised at their farm, donations came from Mesa Farm in Rutland, Robinson’s Farm in Hardwick and Rose 32 Bread in Gilbertville.