2024 will be full of walks, talks and celebrations!
Upcoming Events and Programs:
- This year we are planning to host monthly walks at conservation areas in the east Quabbin region
- Celebrate our 30 years with a Gala Dinner and Auction on April 20th
- Geocache Scavenger Hunt April 15th – 27th reveal party on the 28th
- Hills of East Quabbin Ride on June 22nd
- Participate in town fairs and festivals, Hardwick Fair August 17th-18th
- Station Loop Ramble on October 20th
- Celebrate the holidays together.
Be sure to get onto our email list for the latest information on our events and activities.
Contact Cynthia with your questions at [email protected]g
Saturday Work Days…
Join us from 9am-noon on the first Saturday of the month (usually) and volunteer to help with the maintenance of EQLT properties. Please contact Cynthia at [email protected] or at 413-477-8229 to confirm which location will be the work site.