The East Quabbin Land Trust encourages visitors to all of its preserves. Please be respectful of the land and other visitors. EQLT has several policies that guide use of the land, including a Dog Walking Policy, Hunting and Fishing Policy and Recreational Trail Use Policy. We encourage you to explore the trails at River’s Edge Preserve. Click here for a map.
The River’s Edge Trail is on an approximately 50 acre riverfront property owned and managed by the East Quabbin Land Trust. To visit this property, park at the Rail Trail entrance off Maple Street in Wheelwright, or at the Rail Trail parking area at the corner of Hardwick and West Roads and walk towards Wheelwright via the Rail Trail.
The loop trail extends off the Rail Trail and takes you down to the Ware River waterfront. The area is a natural corridor for wildlife along the river, and EQLT installed wood-duck boxes along the riverfront. Tracks of bobcat, fisher, fox, deer and other small mammals are common. Enjoy the view of the Ware River at the picnic bench located at the river’s edge.