The weather was pretty perfect for our first-ever EQLT sponsored camping trip. This time we slept out at the Coxhall Kitchen Garden. Everyone was impressed with the size of the stone wall enclosure, and amazed that it was built back in 1774 to be a kitchen garden, which was popular back in England at the time.
The day was warm, with a gentle breeze. At one point late in the afternoon the clouds looked a bit threatening, but we didn’t get rained on. The clouds cleared out so we could see the stars, with the big dipper directly overhead. It was a magical experience for the eleven kids who joined in the fun.
A group of us walked the trail loop – over to Fish Brook, the hay field and overlook ledge. On the way we found a huge mushroom, plenty of scat, lots of animal holes, and a toad! Great fun for all involved. Thank you to all the parents and adults that made this such a successful event. We’ll be planning other local camping opportunities
in the future!