On a warm and humid Saturday morning, a hardy crew of volunteers built an old fashioned stone bench in the upper woods of Moose Brook Preserve. The bench, situated in a shady cove filled with ferns and large boulders, will serve as a strategic rest stop along the new “Chuck Kidd Interpretive Trail” at Moose Brook Preserve.
The first order of business included clearing a site with chain saw and loppers, then leveling the ground with a pick axe, fire rake, and McCloud. Once we picked our foundation stones and top seat from the surrounding landscape, we had to move them to their destination. The largest stone was about 250 lbs. and a bit of a challenge to move. We were good to go with the use of the rock bars, hand truck, some tree limbs, and lots of muscle power.
The result is an elegant stone bench that seats as many as three! Thanks to the hardy crew of Becky Ikehara, Linda and Rod Leehy, Jerry Reilly, Ginny and Don Rich, Jeff Smith and Caren Caljouw for all their hard work. And thanks to Eric Vohlheim for providing preliminary consultation during the planning stages of the project.