On Saturday night over thirty people descended on Mandell Hill in Hardwick just before dusk to formally dedicate the Chris Ellison Memorial Birding Platform. Most everyone crowded onto the platform to enjoy a perfect night to be outdoors. The bright blue sky and wispy clouds provided a perfect back drop for bird watching. Nighthawks are migrating this time of year, so all the binoculars were seeking small cigar shaped birds with pointy wings. Just as the last light was fading a nighthawk was spotted in the distance! Meanwhile the kestrels were putting on a good display of hovering over the fields while hunting grasshoppers in the tall grass.

The dedication included formal thank you’s to the builders and volunteers that crafted the Platform, Lindsay shared some of Chris’s writings that showed his love of the outdoors and incredible writing style, and installation of the plaque in honor of Chris Ellison.
We encourage you to visit Mandell Hill and stop at the Platform on your way around the loop trail.