New Trail in Oakham

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A great crew got out into the snow today to further clear the new trail at the Grimes property on Ware Corner Road in Oakham. Thank you to all! This new trail is about one mile long and crosses over … Continued

Trail Building at Prince River Preserve

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Yesterday we started clearing a new trail at the Prince River Preserve in Barre on Flaherty Road. The ~1.25 mile out-and-back trail winds through mixed hardwood and hemlock trees, ending at the shore of the beautiful Old Reservoir. The parking … Continued

Getting Creative with Salvage Art

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Caitlin McCarthy from the Iron Goat lead a terrific morning of Salvage Art projects at the Wheelwright section of the Mass Central Rail Trail. Thanks Cait and all who created parts of the art installation! Get out there and check … Continued

Beautiful Day for a Paddle

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It was a great day to paddle on the Swift Rive! We went downstream to the Bondsville dam from the parking area on Cold Spring Road in Belchertown. Some of the group went upstream for a ways where the stream … Continued

Quabbin Reservoir Hike

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The walk at Gate 30 in the Quabbin Reservoir Sunday morning was terrific! Thanks to Jeff, we found the top of Rattlesnake Hill without bushwhacking (the path is marked by a cairn along the road under the power lines) and … Continued

Annual Bird Monitoring

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We had a great morning birding at Wendemuth Meadow and Mandell Hill. Here’s our list: bobolinks | Red-winged blackbirds | Barn swallows | Crow | Common yellow-throat | Tree swallow | House sparrow | Robin, Bluebird | Starling | Cardinal … Continued